Our Vision

A church for the broken, called to restoration

Our Mission

Discipling and mobilizing the church to be the salt and the light of Jesus Christ.

A church for the broken, called to restoration

Discipling and mobilizing the church to be the salt and the light of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Core Values

We Follow Jesus

Our faith does not boil down to principles or ideas, but to a person - Jesus. Our aim, therefore, is not religious performance, but to walk with our Lord and to live in the good news of His life and message.

We Worship Passionately

The love that Jesus demonstrates for us compels us to worship with joy, authenticity, creativity, and commitment.

We See People

You are created in God’s image and made for his love. Therefore, we embrace your story, celebrate who you are, and walk with you in all your brokenness toward restoration in Christ.

We Cultivate Community

God calls us into community to be the family of God. Therefore, we use our gifts and abilities not to advance ourselves, but to serve one another as Christ served us.

We Make Disciples

Jesus commissions all believers to a life of growth and maturity. We, therefore, walk together intentionally to become more like Jesus.

We Serve Our Neighbors

We believe that God invites us as partners in his work. Therefore, we seek to make him known among the nations and pursue justice for those around us, locally and beyond.

We Live By The Holy Spirit

God the Holy Spirit dwells within us and empowers us to live out his purposes. We therefore, do not depend on our wisdom and strength, but actively seek to be led by the Spirit.